
必ずしもこの順序とは限りませんが、これら全てを含む必要があります。以下は例としてDiabetic Medicineに掲載された論文からの抜粋です(本文なので部分的に抜粋)。


こうしてみると、Methodsは過去にしたこと(What we did.)であると同時に、最も既定の構造化しやすいセクションであることがわかります。しかも、著者らによる先行研究があるならその要素が使えます。


ですので、IMRADを批判する考えとして、「Methodsは細分化されているから」というのがあるようですが、そもそもこうしたものであることを承知していれば、そのままIMRADでいいと思います。さらに細分化して、一見論文における比重が多くなるのを、Inoue Methodsでは好みません。著者の力の入れ処は、Discussionと、そして何といってもIntroductionにありますから。


A retrospective cohort study was conducted from 1998 to 2006, ........




We used a dataset derived from the health screening program performed by the Yuport Medical Checkup Center in Tokyo.

研究期間(Study period)

In this study, we set the 4-year baseline period to be between April 1998 and March 2002 and the 4-year follow-up period between April 2002 and March 2006. 



Follow-up data were merged with baseline data, yielding 11,129 persons who had been evaluated during both time periods. Among them, 129 with known diabetes at baseline were excluded, leaving 11,000 persons. Next, 411 who had baseline FPG levels >= 7.00 mmol/l were excluded. Then 114 who had baseline hemoglobin A1c levels greater than 6.4 percent were excluded , since a hemoglobin A1c level of 6.4% corresponds to a FPG level of diagnosed diabetes (7.00 mmol/l) [21]. Among the remaining 10,475 persons, 433 with <2 years between their baseline and follow-up checkups were excluded, so that,ultimately, 10 042 subjects formed the study group.

結果の測定・分析手段(Outcome and analysis)

In all follow-up analyses, Type 2 diabetes was defined as .....

研究倫理情報(Ethical issue)

..........Informed consent for anonymous participation in epidemiological research was obtained..........